For those who do not believe that someone can have more than one lifetime, or be alive before and after death in the form of their spirit or soul, this is not for you to read because it would be very against your beliefs. I am writing about my beliefs though, because that is what I know, so if you disagree then please go off to other sites that would support your beliefs more.
For others who have more of an open mind and curiosity, I thank you and ask you to, as always, take what suits you from these writings and leave the rest. :)
A bit of background information here. You can certainly skip ahead and go right to the bottom to read how you can find our your past lives, but I'll be using terminology there that was explained above, and you might get confused. I would recommend reading this through entirely but it is just a recommendation. :)
The Soul Journey
Souls (those that exist in one universe) are often created either at the beginning of the universe, or in the time since that. I believe its rarer to meet a true newly formed soul, but it can happen. Souls can be created from the place known as Tao (or All There Is, basically just Love and Peace and Tranquility). For those who have read the levels of dimensions I have posted below in the site, Tao would be the highest Dimension of the Universe, no matter what number level you personally believe that would be.
As the newly formed Soul travels down the levels, it starts to get acquainted with new limitations upon itself and its expression. Remember that the Dimensions are very free closest to Tao, and as you move down from it, you get more limitations such as bodies, less and less candidness in communication, less ability to manipulate things such as time, and eventually you cannot even use telepathy or teleportation easily.
That brings us to the 3-D Earth: very dense, very slow changes, mind projections do not affect it as directly, immediately, or as drastically as the higher levels. Earth does not support telepathy as easily, and doesn't seem to promote teleportation as readily. But since our souls come through the levels where such things ARE a natural part of life there, we carry with us memories of how that was like and a yearning to return to the Peace and all-compassing Love and Acceptance and Belonging of Tao.
This is also where the yearning for "Soulmates" can also come from. That yearning of total belonging, acceptance, unconditional love, and someone who just GETS you without a needed word. From our Soul's beginnings in Tao where such things was the accepted way that level works (radically different from Earth I'll admit).
Why am I talking about this soul journey? It is because to better understand where past lives come into the equation it is good to know how, and why, the soul is formed, and comes down, and then travels back up in the first place.
Why do Souls separate in the first place? For learning and experience, since spending time in Tao does lend itself to just knowing only things about that acceptance and love, not what its like to go without such things in ready abundance. To better appreciate happiness, sorrow can help with the contrast. To better understand the parts that make up the whole, understanding duality is needed. Duality, or such opposites like "Life and Death, Good and Evil, Light and Dark, Feminine and Masculine, Love and Hatred, Happiness and Grief, Belonging and Aloneness, Society and Isolation, etc." help with understanding the "extremes" along that continuum. They are in reality both sides of the same coin, both necessary to experience the whole experience.
For example: without white you cannot get black or the grays in between. If all you know is black, how can you understand what white is, or what gray is? If you can understand BOTH white and black, then you can make gray, and all the shades of gray, and use it as you will for your needs (like grayscale pictures for one thing, to use an artist terminology xD).
Now to help with understanding why the soul wants to learn, it wants to experience things and find new perspectives to broaden its knowledge base. Multiple physical incarnations can help with that.
When souls travel down the levels, they then work their way back up through the levels to reunite with Tao again (this time knowing a great deal about concepts and information and understanding), and they reunite as part of the whole but their own individual identities too. Like babies that grow up and leave then nest as teenagers wanting to learn, and come back as adults able and ready to share their experiences to help others; part of the family and yet their own self-sufficient independent members of it as well.
Now that we have the Why behind physical incarnations, especially multiple ones, we can understand now the How and What.
Physical Incarnations
We incarnate in a variety of ways, in many places, worlds, realities (all sorts of alternate ones lol!), and dimensions. Souls can stay at a world for a very long time and identify with the species and world there, because that is where its "heart" or love is found. But they can always leave to go to other worlds freely and come back whenever they want to. There is no law restricting such movement, but rather the Universe promotes it. :)
So my advice is... Not all of the past lives you'll see of yourself will be human. Perhaps only one (this present one) is really human, and the rest are of many different other species on many different other worlds.
Even though the soul may incarnate in different dimensions, it has a home base ALWAYS on the higher dimensions. This is where spirits and souls can differ in my definition.
Souls: A huge collective energy mass, that is conscious and alive and aware. It stays in the higher dimensions and sends out pieces of itself, called "aspects", that go out and incarnate in different dimensions and worlds. The main soul draws in the experiences from these aspects and uses that to strengthen its knowledge base. The aspects can take knowledge from the main Soul and use that to help them in their lifetimes (hence a possible cause [but not the only one] of "deja vu"), and take information from other lifetimes that the particular aspect has experienced. The soul does not discard of the aspect after a lifetime, rather that aspect is encouraged to keep incarnating in other places and learn and become more independent itself. :)
Spirits: The aspects mentioned above. Everyone has their own, independent, unique, spirit. But groups of people (even on the same world at times) can share the same soul.
Those groups of people can sometimes be referred to "soul cluster" (like cluster of spirits all sharing the same soul) by some spiritual folk.
Otherwise the term "soul cluster" is really of compatible actual souls that all hang around each other whenever they can and incarnate their aspects together whenever they can as well. (Basically like Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying friends always wanting their characters to go through travels together. xD In this metaphor, the players are the souls and the characters are the aspects or spirits. xD) The term "soul group" can also apply for this particular definition. :)
Either definition of "soul cluster" can be the source of the commonly sought for "soul mates" or very compatible people who just "get" you almost right from the get-go. :)
I'll go into more detail about the Soul Mates phenomenon, as well as the elusive Twin Flame, in a later post.
Past Lives
When people look for their past lives, they are looking for the memories of those prior experiences of their particular spirit's other lifetimes. Sometimes you get that, sometimes you don't and get your soul's memory banks instead (thus lifetimes of your soul's different aspect, not particularly your own spirit but someone else's), or can accidentally access the Akasha Records of some completely different soul.
What are the Akasha Records? They are the grand Library of ALL soul experiences, and lifetime information, of ALL the different souls and spirits playing the incarnation game.
Where can you find it? It's not a physical place, rather an etheric place of energy but will appear to you however you wish to see it as.
Some have reported it looking like a hall full of steel filing cabinets and the information to be on files. Some report an actual library of marble and wood and bookshelves of actual books. Some report something else altogether. The main thing is that whatever you're seeing, how you're seeing it, has resonance ("feels right" basically) to you.
Its technically not a nice thing to access someone else's lifetime information, their personal section of the Akasha Records, without their permission.
Souls can get each other's permissions to do so though, and that has been said to be an explanation (possible or not, it is up to you to make that call) for why so many people who go under trance to get their past live memories, often see famous lifetimes like Cleopatra or Julius Caesar.
Remember the bit about Souls being hungry for knowledge and experiences? They can read through other lifetimes of other souls, and some can be more popular reading material than the more common worker man's lol! Just because you accessed it, doesn't mean its yours particularly. It can just be your soul's memories of its favorite reading material. XD
Much investigation will have to be done to determine if it is really YOUR spirit's particular past memories, or a different spirit/soul's past memories.
Be prepared for re-evaluating what you thought had been your past lives. When you finally get to the truth for you, and you particularly, you'll know from that vibrating, tingling, sense of "rightness" within your core/chest/body/and mind. :) That sense is what spiritual people call "resonating" with something. Because it feels like you're a string of a harp and someone basically plucked your string more or less, thanks to the sometimes goddamn strong vibrations, seriously. xP xD
Now for the big and all important question:
How Can I Access My Akasha Records and See My Past Lives?
Yup that one. xD
Its basically a meditation and I'll outline it here. It may take some tries to get through it and find anything, but have patience and with practice comes improvement and getting better at it. :)
1. Get comfortable. Find a position that helps you (Be it sitting up, leaning against something, leaning back in a seat on a chair, or even lying down. The latter is not that recommended because most people, especially beginners, fall straight asleep when they try this position and meditation together.) and one that you can stay in for a while.
Play background music if you can, preferably a calming one, that still makes your mind alert, (so not making you want to fall asleep, important difference!) and without lyrics. Unless you're the sort that likes the lyrics of a favorite song that can just blend into the background for you (this can also work, since the lyrics can engage the logical mind and leave the intuitive mind more free to wander), then use that instead!
Wear comfortable clothing (Nothing can ruin concentration faster than itchy clothing or pants digging into your crotch! Believe me, I learned the hard way. XD) and make sure you have made a time span that you can do this in (around 10 minutes to a half hour depending on how long it takes you).
2. Now close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. If any thoughts try to dance into your mind, just think "Just Thinking, And Come Back to Quiet" or whatever else personalized mantra helps you focus on it.
Some people use "Ohm" a sound that does have a nice energy with it. Some imagine the thoughts as balloons and mentally "popping" them to dismiss them. Some just imagine the thoughts floating in like clouds and drifting away like them too. Whatever method you use, it will help you. Don't despair if you don't have a method yet, just experiment until you find one. Its okay if it only works for a while and you have to find a new method. :) I included some methods others use to help inspire you here. :)
As for focusing on your breathing, it can help to really FEEL and notice exactly how you inhale, how you hold it, and how you exhale, and to notice how the breath moves through your body. Trust me, you'll be surprised how strange noticing all that sharply can be!
Also the deeper you get into meditation, the sharper sounds, vibrations, sights, and even smells and taste can become. It's normal and you're experiencing your senses directly instead of being mostly distracted like you are the rest of the time.
You eventually get deep enough in the meditation that you don't care, and it just doesn't register. You can notice it, but it doesn't distract you or bother you. This is something that can take practice to do, and if you haven't done it in a while, it can take practice to get back to this state. Don't despair. :) Practicing can be as easy as taking 5 minutes out of your day at a time, to just ground yourself, focus on your breathing, give your active mind a break, and you can do it whenever. Even when standing in line and you're bored. xD :) All those little bits of practice add up!
3. Now imagine yourself as your glowing spirit form. It can take whatever form feels most right to you, and feel free to adopt any that you feel is right. It can change depending on what you learn about yourself and that's perfectly alright. Nobody is exactly the same from their birth to their dying day after all. :)
4. See an elevator waiting for you. Step out from your body (Even just imagining in your mind's eye this step will help and does make a difference!) and go over to the elevator.
5. Ask your spirit guides to be here with you on this Journey, as well as to protect the body you left behind. Even if you cannot see them, they will be there with you and help protect you.
Protecting your body is crucial, since you've left it and that is the perfect time anything can get in. Trust me, that is the last thing you want. Spirit guides help protect you but like any spirit dealings, YOU must ask THEM. They will not impose their help onto you, you have to ask for their help. Otherwise they will respect your Free Will and not try to mess things up accidentally.
6. Now that you're in the elevator with your spirit guides, ask for the elevator to bring you up to the highest level, the level of the Akasha Records. It'll take you right up to that level.
7. When you reached the top, see the doors open and step out. However the halls of the Akasha Records appears to you, that is how it looks to you. State that you want to find the Records for your particular spirit/soul/aspect and let yourself be moved (like drifting over or walking over or teleporting over) to the particular section that is yours alone.
8. Ask if there's a particular lifetime you need to see. If you see it then go to step 9, but if you don't see one, then just let yourself be drawn to a particular file/book/scroll/etc. and pick that up. Look in it and see a picture of a place/person/animal/etc. Let the image of you change until you are almost in that lifetime now.
9. See yourself in this lifetime. Look down and see what kind of shoes do you have on your feet. Are you barefoot? Wearing sandals, boots, stilettos? Are your feet a different shape and that of a different creature?
Also, what is the ground beneath your feet like? Is it sand, stone, grass, water, mud, stone or asphalt roads? Are you floating over air? Take note of that and remember that, as well as what you can of the following steps.
10. Look at yourself, what are you wearing? Are you a woman, man, something else entirely? Are you naked, in loincloth, hides, royal garments, rough and simple spun clothing, armor, what?
11. Now look around you. What environment are you in? Is it a forest, under the ocean, beach, floating island, castle, simple cabin, cave, carved building, desert, inside of volcano, what?
Are there sounds from people or other beings nearby? Can you see them? Hear them? Can you see traces of them, like a beaten path, littered potshards and clothing, or are you absolutely alone in the wilderness?
In that case can you see animals around you? What do they look or sound like? What things have they left behind? Are you an animal yourself and are the others part of your species? Not your species? Your enemy or friends? Or just strangers, or family?
12. If you see signs, follow them! If you hear voices, investigate! If you see a building, go in! If you are IN a building, check out all the rooms you can! Notice everything, and this will help you identify more details about your past life later.
Things can be VERY telling, like whether the building was one-room or multiple, did it have multiple floors? What is it made out of? How much personal belongings are around? Is it all cluttered, or Spartan (military sparse)? Are there weapons or is there a kitchen? If there's a weapon, study its shape and see if you can find something like it later. If you can find it later, you can find the name and the general time period it was used in as well as what location it was found in. (Validating things like this is just too much fun~)
If its wilderness see what kind. What do the local rocks look like? (Investigating can lead you to determine if it was metamorphic rock [changed through heat and pressure], igneous rock [volcanic], or even sedimentary rock [compacted sand or mud or clay under pressure]. Certain regions have different rock and that can hint at its geological past. Rock formations like mountains and hills, giant boulders left behind (from glaciers in a distant past), flat grassy plains, cliffs and beach shoreline, all can orient yourself in space to this location and what the climate is like.
I could go on and on with foliage, and with clothing details, and with kinds of tools used in the houses and such, but that's left for you to notice and investigate later, yourself. ^u^
13. If you can meet others of your species, talk to them! Find out what your relationship is to them! Notice what you talk about, with whom, what do they look/act/sound like? What are they wearing and using? What are they doing? Notice your own feelings about them, and that will give you clues as to the nature of your relationship. :)
14. If the other creatures cannot talk back, just interact with them all the same. Like if you have a dog as a pet, then play with him/her and notice what name you give it? How do you interact with him/her? How does it interact with you? What are your feelings with them?
15. Let yourself come out of these memories now, and drift back to the library. Put the book/file/scroll/etc. away (Unless you want to see another one, in which case pick up another that you're drawn to and repeat steps from 8 to 14 again as often as you want and have time for! Don't worry, you can always come back again at a later date. :) ) and step back. Head back to the elevator now.
16. Go into the elevator and go back down to the level you were originally at (ground level or level 1 basically xD).
17. Now go out of the elevator. Thank your spirit guides for being with you on this Journey and for guarding your body (important!). Return to your body again and open your eyes to your physical reality again. Sometimes you can be disoriented so allow yourself time to re-acclimate and get used to being in the body again.
18. Now record all you can remember right NOW! So that you don't forget it! :) Investigate the recorded information later when you can, to piece together where it might've been (if it was a human lifetime on Earth, even if not then the things you learn about Earth's equivalents can shed light on what the situation was like in your past life's world) and learn more about your past lifetimes, one by one. :)
And you're done! ^^
You CAN add in resolving the emotional blockages and problems of the past lives while you're experiencing them. Maybe its not a very good memory? It can happen, since deaths can be rather traumatic at times. Usually this method would get you happier memories than deaths however.
Always remember, as you're resolving any troubles from your past lives that seemed to have lingered into this current one, that it is DONE. It is over, and finished. All issues are in the past, the people are in the past, and its all said and done. This is a completely different life, with completely different people. Best to make as much of it as you can. :) Only once that you can be YOU like you are right now. :) It helps to be able to play with it and enjoy it. :)
Anyways hope that wasn't too long and too much? If it is, let me know and I'll break it up into three parts or more, as is necessary. :)
Namaste! And good luck! Stay safe!
A personal Blog for my musings, insights, knowledge, and discoveries to be shared with others who are wanting to learn.
Mystic Mountain

Mystic Mountain: The name of the nebulae formation in space that inspired the blog title~
Monday, December 30, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Alternate Worlds and Universes?
This might be a bit hard for some people to comprehend. That is okay. Read what you can and take what you will and discard the rest. :)
While I could not quote mathematical data to support this (as the String Theory does support some thought of multiple universes or realities all existing) nor quote scientific hard proof (since our instruments are not sensitive enough to detect this just yet), I can say that in some spiritual/metaphysical circles it is widely accepted the alternate realities/earths/universes/worlds that co-exist with our own.
Certainly there are beliefs that there are higher and lower vibrational (like energy vibration) realities that overlap each other and may not be able to be seen by the others as easily. Such realities may be difficult to detect unless one has the right tools for the job.
There is even thought of multiple universes all clustered together, and multiple alternate universes as well.
For the sake of clarity with these terms, I will put down how I define each. You may have different definitions but for sake of your understanding what I mean, my definitions would be needed to know. :)
Universe: What our universe is considered to be, containing all of the galaxies and stars and the like, but the dimensions of it can be both finite, and seeming infinite at the same time. Think of a sphere, on its surface area there can be a seeming infinite number of points on and within it. But a sphere has a border and edge and can end, so its finite. An "Alternate Universe" would be one like an "Alternate Reality", only its our Universe that followed a different sequence of events than the current one we all live in.
Reality: This version of events and timeline. This current world as we understand it. When things go one way and not the other, it sets it on a certain path. If Hitler had won say, that would create a far different timeline than the one we are on (where Hitler had lost). The timeline where Hitler had won would be an "Alternate Reality" as I define it.
World: Either a physical world like Earth, or even a place where beings live that may not look like a planet at all, but is still a world. It still is floating in space and has clear borders for the end of the world. An "Alternate Earth" would be like the "Alternate Reality" of above. In some ways it could be synonymous, and in other ways different.
The difference being is that the Alternate Earth itself could be so different that there could not even BE a chance for humans to form, as Alternate Realities would most likely have that chance. Alternate Universe may not even HAVE an Earth OR Humans at all.
Dimension: This is like a 2 dimensional plane that the world of earth along with what we can readily see in the night sky (physical worlds and such) all lie upon. There are similar planes all overlapping the same space as our physical plane but we may not be able to see or experience them. "Alternate Dimensions" would be in the same sense as before, except there may be no Earth and yet the same Universe with this one.
You can have alternate versions of the Earth, Reality, Universe, and Dimensions. There is also what is called the:
Multi-verse: Or the collective Universe that all exist together, ours and alternate ones, and completely different ones entirely. Just like there are far more worlds than just Alternate Earths, there can be far more Universes than Alternate Universes.
Multiple Dimensions have been ranked by some people in order from least complex to most.
1st Dimension: Thought to be simple energy, no real moving around here, and not really needed. Not talked about much because it can be difficult to imagine a place where you can only go forward and back, but not side to side or up and down, to give an example.
2nd Dimension: Flatland basically. Shapes exist here but not the 3-D (or 3-Dimensional) world of Earth that we know and love. Can only go forward and back, or side to side.
3rd Dimension: Our beloved place. We can go forward and back, side to side, and up and down. Earth's 3rd Dimension is very dense compared to the dimensions to follow, but comparatively lighter and easier (for us) to move around than the previous dimensions.
4th Dimension: Time now becomes a manipulated factor. The forward/back, right/left, and up/down are thought to be of space, so add in Time (in ahead in time and behind in time, those dimensions) and you get the Space/Time continuum.
=Spirits often live here and in higher dimensions, and can not be seen by us like ultraviolet can be seen by birds but not by us. We simply do not have the tools or the natural senses [most of the time] to see or sense them. Some who are very well tuned in can see them though or sense/feel them. It is like how some animal species (like cats and some species of apes) are "colorblind" compared to us and cannot see the difference between red and green. Some humans are colorblind in this way as well. Birds can generally see ultraviolet though, so WE'D be colorblind by their standards. Mystics and Psychics of humans can by that analogy, "see/sense" something most people cannot easily. Just because a group cannot see them or sense/hear them does not mean they inherently don't exist. Ultraviolet still exists whether or not we see it.
=Another reason that they have a hard time being perceived by us, is because they can operate on more levels and go through things easily. Its because our walls are their hallways, our floors are their empty space, their floors are our empty space, and their walls are our hallways. Basically different design of their buildings and ours means they can seem to go through OUR walls where it doesn't exist for them, and we go through THEIR walls because it doesn't exist, or isn't perceived, by us. They also can go through time more easily than we can. We cannot really manipulate time, they can though.
5th Dimension: Here you add another factor of time/space, and it may not be accepted/known by us though. Like Flatland cannot conceive of a dimension of "up and down" because it doesn't exist in the 2nd Dimension, so we also can have difficulty conceiving of the added dimensions of those Dimensions more complicated than ours.
=The best I can explain this added dimension of travel in English wording and such, is by saying that the personalization of time becomes paramount here. Like we can personalize our direction of travel (if one person moves up and forward in a jump or in a plane, the rest of people are not affected and can go their own directions independently) so can they of this dimension personalize their own timeline. A thousand years can be to one person, what 10 minutes is to another person's time. Person A can meet Person B in B's past but A's future. It is like everyone has their own time traveling machines but its part of how they move about.
=They can hold the same time as the rest through common acceptance/agreement (like we can agree to mostly walk around on the ground and rarely jump, really only engage forward/back and side-to-side unless we're engaging up/down thanks to the stairs or hills) but still operate on their own timespan. There can be the commonly understood "common time" but also understood that one can be MUCH older than that common time, or much younger. It can be confusing to a 3rd-Dimensional brain to try to conceive of how that works.
=Worlds here may not be the "accepted" physical planets that we have like Earth, they can be odd contortions of time/space matter that bends in and on itself readily with time going differently in different parts of it. Teleportation can also be very easy here since mastery of time/space can allow for the inhabitants to use it with ease. Some training is advised but is usually mastered at a very young age.
6th Dimension to 12th Dimension?: It can be difficult to understand these further along dimensions. It can not be clear sometimes even about how many more dimensions exist past 6 of them. Some say 12, some 13, some say only 7, or only 10. It depends on who you ask. Also how exactly these higher up dimensions work can boggle one's mind. If you don't have a frame of reference or prior foundation to understand it, it would only hurt the mind in your struggle to comprehend.
=From what I have gathered however... is that there is a Dimension where the mind/consciousness has a direct impact on the environment. It produces effects like; freely changing one's relative size in comparison to the surroundings, freely traveling through a world with very little resistance, being perceived (visible) or not perceived (invisible) upon will, and if you have a tiniest bit of fear of being attacked there, it WILL manifest something to attack you JUST because you had that fear. Simply releasing the fear and being full certainty that you are SAFE and will not be bothered in any way, can dispel the manifestation and leave you safe and whole. Pretty trippy eh?
=It's said that no matter the number, the last Dimension is said to be somewhat like the 1st Dimension I mentioned in the listing except: its very high vibration and freeing and you can move in incredibly varied dimensions of travel, of time and space and more; and it is perceived as only energy masses within more energy masses; and all sorts of colors and no-colors involved with every bit; as well as communication being more of concepts and feelings and ideas that are shared on a more extreme version of telepathy (mental communication between minds without using the mouth to talk) because this is from spirit to spirit, or soul to soul. It requires an extremely candid and honest awareness of one's self and in communication. Something that most people may not be prepared to do THAT kind of in-depth baring of one's essence every time they want to have a conversation with someone else lol.
=Some even say that the last level is just "Oneness with Tao (All There Is)", and what they mean by that is essentially, just bonding and melding with every other soul and energy of the universe, melding into Love, and still somehow aware that you are an entity with your own identity and consciousness amidst the whole.
There's the run down of the different Dimensional levels. From now on in the blog I'll be referring to things like 3-D Earth (3-D meaning 3rd Dimension or 3-Dimensional) as well as 4-D Spirit plane, and 5-D Ahn Ne'A (where my spirit home is). This is a nice run down of the basics of each dimension as well as some added clarifications of the higher dimensions that may be difficult to wrap one's mind around.
I hope you didn't break your mind reading this far LOL! I apologize if I did accidentally break them. xD :)
While I could not quote mathematical data to support this (as the String Theory does support some thought of multiple universes or realities all existing) nor quote scientific hard proof (since our instruments are not sensitive enough to detect this just yet), I can say that in some spiritual/metaphysical circles it is widely accepted the alternate realities/earths/universes/worlds that co-exist with our own.
Certainly there are beliefs that there are higher and lower vibrational (like energy vibration) realities that overlap each other and may not be able to be seen by the others as easily. Such realities may be difficult to detect unless one has the right tools for the job.
There is even thought of multiple universes all clustered together, and multiple alternate universes as well.
For the sake of clarity with these terms, I will put down how I define each. You may have different definitions but for sake of your understanding what I mean, my definitions would be needed to know. :)
Universe: What our universe is considered to be, containing all of the galaxies and stars and the like, but the dimensions of it can be both finite, and seeming infinite at the same time. Think of a sphere, on its surface area there can be a seeming infinite number of points on and within it. But a sphere has a border and edge and can end, so its finite. An "Alternate Universe" would be one like an "Alternate Reality", only its our Universe that followed a different sequence of events than the current one we all live in.
Reality: This version of events and timeline. This current world as we understand it. When things go one way and not the other, it sets it on a certain path. If Hitler had won say, that would create a far different timeline than the one we are on (where Hitler had lost). The timeline where Hitler had won would be an "Alternate Reality" as I define it.
World: Either a physical world like Earth, or even a place where beings live that may not look like a planet at all, but is still a world. It still is floating in space and has clear borders for the end of the world. An "Alternate Earth" would be like the "Alternate Reality" of above. In some ways it could be synonymous, and in other ways different.
The difference being is that the Alternate Earth itself could be so different that there could not even BE a chance for humans to form, as Alternate Realities would most likely have that chance. Alternate Universe may not even HAVE an Earth OR Humans at all.
Dimension: This is like a 2 dimensional plane that the world of earth along with what we can readily see in the night sky (physical worlds and such) all lie upon. There are similar planes all overlapping the same space as our physical plane but we may not be able to see or experience them. "Alternate Dimensions" would be in the same sense as before, except there may be no Earth and yet the same Universe with this one.
You can have alternate versions of the Earth, Reality, Universe, and Dimensions. There is also what is called the:
Multi-verse: Or the collective Universe that all exist together, ours and alternate ones, and completely different ones entirely. Just like there are far more worlds than just Alternate Earths, there can be far more Universes than Alternate Universes.
Multiple Dimensions have been ranked by some people in order from least complex to most.
1st Dimension: Thought to be simple energy, no real moving around here, and not really needed. Not talked about much because it can be difficult to imagine a place where you can only go forward and back, but not side to side or up and down, to give an example.
2nd Dimension: Flatland basically. Shapes exist here but not the 3-D (or 3-Dimensional) world of Earth that we know and love. Can only go forward and back, or side to side.
3rd Dimension: Our beloved place. We can go forward and back, side to side, and up and down. Earth's 3rd Dimension is very dense compared to the dimensions to follow, but comparatively lighter and easier (for us) to move around than the previous dimensions.
4th Dimension: Time now becomes a manipulated factor. The forward/back, right/left, and up/down are thought to be of space, so add in Time (in ahead in time and behind in time, those dimensions) and you get the Space/Time continuum.
=Spirits often live here and in higher dimensions, and can not be seen by us like ultraviolet can be seen by birds but not by us. We simply do not have the tools or the natural senses [most of the time] to see or sense them. Some who are very well tuned in can see them though or sense/feel them. It is like how some animal species (like cats and some species of apes) are "colorblind" compared to us and cannot see the difference between red and green. Some humans are colorblind in this way as well. Birds can generally see ultraviolet though, so WE'D be colorblind by their standards. Mystics and Psychics of humans can by that analogy, "see/sense" something most people cannot easily. Just because a group cannot see them or sense/hear them does not mean they inherently don't exist. Ultraviolet still exists whether or not we see it.
=Another reason that they have a hard time being perceived by us, is because they can operate on more levels and go through things easily. Its because our walls are their hallways, our floors are their empty space, their floors are our empty space, and their walls are our hallways. Basically different design of their buildings and ours means they can seem to go through OUR walls where it doesn't exist for them, and we go through THEIR walls because it doesn't exist, or isn't perceived, by us. They also can go through time more easily than we can. We cannot really manipulate time, they can though.
5th Dimension: Here you add another factor of time/space, and it may not be accepted/known by us though. Like Flatland cannot conceive of a dimension of "up and down" because it doesn't exist in the 2nd Dimension, so we also can have difficulty conceiving of the added dimensions of those Dimensions more complicated than ours.
=The best I can explain this added dimension of travel in English wording and such, is by saying that the personalization of time becomes paramount here. Like we can personalize our direction of travel (if one person moves up and forward in a jump or in a plane, the rest of people are not affected and can go their own directions independently) so can they of this dimension personalize their own timeline. A thousand years can be to one person, what 10 minutes is to another person's time. Person A can meet Person B in B's past but A's future. It is like everyone has their own time traveling machines but its part of how they move about.
=They can hold the same time as the rest through common acceptance/agreement (like we can agree to mostly walk around on the ground and rarely jump, really only engage forward/back and side-to-side unless we're engaging up/down thanks to the stairs or hills) but still operate on their own timespan. There can be the commonly understood "common time" but also understood that one can be MUCH older than that common time, or much younger. It can be confusing to a 3rd-Dimensional brain to try to conceive of how that works.
=Worlds here may not be the "accepted" physical planets that we have like Earth, they can be odd contortions of time/space matter that bends in and on itself readily with time going differently in different parts of it. Teleportation can also be very easy here since mastery of time/space can allow for the inhabitants to use it with ease. Some training is advised but is usually mastered at a very young age.
6th Dimension to 12th Dimension?: It can be difficult to understand these further along dimensions. It can not be clear sometimes even about how many more dimensions exist past 6 of them. Some say 12, some 13, some say only 7, or only 10. It depends on who you ask. Also how exactly these higher up dimensions work can boggle one's mind. If you don't have a frame of reference or prior foundation to understand it, it would only hurt the mind in your struggle to comprehend.
=From what I have gathered however... is that there is a Dimension where the mind/consciousness has a direct impact on the environment. It produces effects like; freely changing one's relative size in comparison to the surroundings, freely traveling through a world with very little resistance, being perceived (visible) or not perceived (invisible) upon will, and if you have a tiniest bit of fear of being attacked there, it WILL manifest something to attack you JUST because you had that fear. Simply releasing the fear and being full certainty that you are SAFE and will not be bothered in any way, can dispel the manifestation and leave you safe and whole. Pretty trippy eh?
=It's said that no matter the number, the last Dimension is said to be somewhat like the 1st Dimension I mentioned in the listing except: its very high vibration and freeing and you can move in incredibly varied dimensions of travel, of time and space and more; and it is perceived as only energy masses within more energy masses; and all sorts of colors and no-colors involved with every bit; as well as communication being more of concepts and feelings and ideas that are shared on a more extreme version of telepathy (mental communication between minds without using the mouth to talk) because this is from spirit to spirit, or soul to soul. It requires an extremely candid and honest awareness of one's self and in communication. Something that most people may not be prepared to do THAT kind of in-depth baring of one's essence every time they want to have a conversation with someone else lol.
=Some even say that the last level is just "Oneness with Tao (All There Is)", and what they mean by that is essentially, just bonding and melding with every other soul and energy of the universe, melding into Love, and still somehow aware that you are an entity with your own identity and consciousness amidst the whole.
There's the run down of the different Dimensional levels. From now on in the blog I'll be referring to things like 3-D Earth (3-D meaning 3rd Dimension or 3-Dimensional) as well as 4-D Spirit plane, and 5-D Ahn Ne'A (where my spirit home is). This is a nice run down of the basics of each dimension as well as some added clarifications of the higher dimensions that may be difficult to wrap one's mind around.
I hope you didn't break your mind reading this far LOL! I apologize if I did accidentally break them. xD :)
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Spirits an Introduction, Special Mention of Ghosts, part 1
What are Spirits?
We all have one, we all ARE one, and it's the animating personality that a body would just be in a vegetable-like state or coma [or dead] without one.
According to some beliefs, the spirit enters the body before its born to have a physical corporeal life. Again according to those beliefs, at death the spirit separates from the body and continues its own non-corporeal life.
Now you may not agree with those beliefs and it is alright, but I do believe in that myself with proof from my own communication and channelings with the spirits as well as memories from the time between physical lifetimes that I have gathered together over years of soul searching.
Therefore I will put the warning that this post is purely from my own perspective, experiences, and beliefs so if you feel you do not agree then take what you will from this and move on. :)
Earth occupies the 3-Dimensional Physical plane and the energies are slower and denser and very solid and not willing to change as much. The Spirit Worlds can overlay Earth and be hard to sense or see with physical senses (but can be perceived by the psychic senses that everyone has but most of the time those psychic senses are drowned out by the dominant and stronger physical sense input). The Spirit Worlds often lay on the Spirit Plane, a faster moving and lighter and quick changing and "higher" (or greater or increased) vibration of energies that makes up that world.
Therefore if one is a spirit or ghost they occupy this plane, with spirits ranging in all the planes but ghosts bound to the plane just above the physical earth plane.
Ghosts are essentially spirits themselves but something happened so they are restricted to Earth and not able to move on. They are a higher vibration than physical bodies so they can not usually be seen or perceived without a huge effort made on their part, and can affect some objects (hence throwing objects and other effects that can happen), but it does take a toll on them to affect that much of the very solid physical Earth objects. They go through walls due to being able to energy shift deliberately to "phase through" the walls, but not the floors or things under them unless they should choose to do so. It is more of choice what they go through and what they don't, and some can be confused and not realize they can do this and therefore just stick to normal human walking paths.
This next section will deal with Ghosts more. Other sections in the future will deal with the general Spirits.
It has been my experience that a spirit can separate from the body after death but something happened that was so traumatic in the separating that the spirit is confused and thinks sometimes it is still alive and in a physical body and lingers on the earth plane.
These become "ghosts" essentially. Some can be malevolent and angry, some withdrawn and sad, some frightened and upset, some friendly but thinks that they are still living in the house and then would become angry when they see people "invading their homes" when they are still there.
Some are genuinely afraid of the afterlife out of not knowing since that fear in life can translate to after death and keep one from moving on successfully. Some just don't want to move on and may have something tying them here, whether it be a memory, grief, old debts, vengeance, or the like. And some just don't care to leave Earth (though if they were told they could come back as a spirit guide of someone else serving an earthly lifetime, then they might be more willing to move on to the Spirit Plane with the rest of the spirits after death).
Caution must be taken with a haunted place or with a ghost since they can be as varied as the humans you meet on the streets (which is apt since they usually WERE humans in their physical lives and would realistically act in similar ways too) and the cause of their deaths as well as the reasons why they are lingering can be unknown. It is advised to leave it to a trained medium or priest/religious head in whatever religion you believe in to deal with these ghosts. Some can get very ANGRY and dangerous if they perceive you are trying to "get rid" of them by making them move on.
Accomplished mediums usually work to convince the ghosts that they do want to move on of their own free will and soothes any worries the lingering spirits might have of the crossing. Mediums also must take guards against those who simply don't care to move on and who would attack them if the medium tries to force them to move on. It takes considerable mental discipline, Willpower, and spiritual belief/faith and abilities to force a recalcitrant powerful ghost to move to the other side and withstand the attacks that may be thrown at them.
Generally it is ill-advised for anyone to just read up online and decide to "become a ghost-hunter" themselves and plunge right in over their heads with the spiritual world without even knowing the slightest thing about protections, clearing/cleansing a space, what tools are at hand to use, and how to communicate with them and respectfully talk with them, as well as how to hone one's own willpower and mental discipline in case of mental battles against aggressive spirits, and what to do when severe warning signs are appearing.
Some of those warning signs might be:
Now most ghost cannot even try to get to this level of haunting due to inability to use the force and energy required to have that much physical effect on the world. The spirits/ghosts that CAN however are the ones to be most wary of (not to say you shouldn't be wary of ghosts and spirits in general) and poltergeists are quite fond of the warning signs above. Ghosts and spirits can generally be reasoned with. A poltergeist usually CANNOT be reasoned with.
Poltergeists are tricksters in energy form, and any response to their efforts just encourages them. Even faking no response might make them angry and increase their efforts to unsettle you. The only sure-fire way is to GET OUT of the building and not return. Also make sure to see a medium or spiritual practitioner or head of whatever faith/religion you practice to make sure the spirit didn't hook onto you and just tagged along with you. If that happened then just moving would not solve anything, it would carry on its mayhem around you and make your life a living hell (pardon the pun).
Last thoughts would be that in general spirits can be helpful or harmful or anywhere in between, that ghosts are a form of spirits that are more bound to earth plane as well as can have variations too, and that poltergeist are best avoided at all costs and are usually very harmful.
Hope this all helps!
We all have one, we all ARE one, and it's the animating personality that a body would just be in a vegetable-like state or coma [or dead] without one.
According to some beliefs, the spirit enters the body before its born to have a physical corporeal life. Again according to those beliefs, at death the spirit separates from the body and continues its own non-corporeal life.
Now you may not agree with those beliefs and it is alright, but I do believe in that myself with proof from my own communication and channelings with the spirits as well as memories from the time between physical lifetimes that I have gathered together over years of soul searching.
Therefore I will put the warning that this post is purely from my own perspective, experiences, and beliefs so if you feel you do not agree then take what you will from this and move on. :)
Earth occupies the 3-Dimensional Physical plane and the energies are slower and denser and very solid and not willing to change as much. The Spirit Worlds can overlay Earth and be hard to sense or see with physical senses (but can be perceived by the psychic senses that everyone has but most of the time those psychic senses are drowned out by the dominant and stronger physical sense input). The Spirit Worlds often lay on the Spirit Plane, a faster moving and lighter and quick changing and "higher" (or greater or increased) vibration of energies that makes up that world.
Therefore if one is a spirit or ghost they occupy this plane, with spirits ranging in all the planes but ghosts bound to the plane just above the physical earth plane.
Ghosts are essentially spirits themselves but something happened so they are restricted to Earth and not able to move on. They are a higher vibration than physical bodies so they can not usually be seen or perceived without a huge effort made on their part, and can affect some objects (hence throwing objects and other effects that can happen), but it does take a toll on them to affect that much of the very solid physical Earth objects. They go through walls due to being able to energy shift deliberately to "phase through" the walls, but not the floors or things under them unless they should choose to do so. It is more of choice what they go through and what they don't, and some can be confused and not realize they can do this and therefore just stick to normal human walking paths.
This next section will deal with Ghosts more. Other sections in the future will deal with the general Spirits.
It has been my experience that a spirit can separate from the body after death but something happened that was so traumatic in the separating that the spirit is confused and thinks sometimes it is still alive and in a physical body and lingers on the earth plane.
These become "ghosts" essentially. Some can be malevolent and angry, some withdrawn and sad, some frightened and upset, some friendly but thinks that they are still living in the house and then would become angry when they see people "invading their homes" when they are still there.
Some are genuinely afraid of the afterlife out of not knowing since that fear in life can translate to after death and keep one from moving on successfully. Some just don't want to move on and may have something tying them here, whether it be a memory, grief, old debts, vengeance, or the like. And some just don't care to leave Earth (though if they were told they could come back as a spirit guide of someone else serving an earthly lifetime, then they might be more willing to move on to the Spirit Plane with the rest of the spirits after death).
Caution must be taken with a haunted place or with a ghost since they can be as varied as the humans you meet on the streets (which is apt since they usually WERE humans in their physical lives and would realistically act in similar ways too) and the cause of their deaths as well as the reasons why they are lingering can be unknown. It is advised to leave it to a trained medium or priest/religious head in whatever religion you believe in to deal with these ghosts. Some can get very ANGRY and dangerous if they perceive you are trying to "get rid" of them by making them move on.
Accomplished mediums usually work to convince the ghosts that they do want to move on of their own free will and soothes any worries the lingering spirits might have of the crossing. Mediums also must take guards against those who simply don't care to move on and who would attack them if the medium tries to force them to move on. It takes considerable mental discipline, Willpower, and spiritual belief/faith and abilities to force a recalcitrant powerful ghost to move to the other side and withstand the attacks that may be thrown at them.
Generally it is ill-advised for anyone to just read up online and decide to "become a ghost-hunter" themselves and plunge right in over their heads with the spiritual world without even knowing the slightest thing about protections, clearing/cleansing a space, what tools are at hand to use, and how to communicate with them and respectfully talk with them, as well as how to hone one's own willpower and mental discipline in case of mental battles against aggressive spirits, and what to do when severe warning signs are appearing.
Some of those warning signs might be:
- Blood or other liquids oozing out of the walls with no definable source
- "Evil" or malevolent air in certain parts or in all of the building (trust your gut when its sensing this because it knows best, this is the air of intent to harm and kill).
- Objects not just being thrown but consistently trying to hit you or your loved ones. Some would be life-threatening if they hit, or ARE life-threatening because they hit their mark.
- "Bad Luck" hovering around you and your loved ones. Jobs being lost, cannot sell the house, people keep getting sick [sometimes fatally sick or close to it], people die, and other very undesirable things.
- Animals not wanting to go inside the building or into certain rooms, and those happen to be where the "malevolent air" is the strongest.
- Terrifying noises happening, shrieks and screams when there is no one there, malevolent whispers that is heard by more than just you and by others who visit the place.
- Strange odors, especially that of death or blood or decaying bodies where there is obviously just clean "normal" seeming rooms.
- Often have legends or a bloody past that one can find out through some dedicated searching, almost always involving a violent death or murder.
- Visible apparitions happening now and then, usually translucent like misted glass and of people hovering a bit above the ground they walk on and making no sounds. Sometimes are too vague to make anything out, or seem like distortions of the area in a human-like shape (air distortions look like distortions in hot air locations only its confined in a humanoid shape and often is not a hot day in any way and moves across normal air).
Now most ghost cannot even try to get to this level of haunting due to inability to use the force and energy required to have that much physical effect on the world. The spirits/ghosts that CAN however are the ones to be most wary of (not to say you shouldn't be wary of ghosts and spirits in general) and poltergeists are quite fond of the warning signs above. Ghosts and spirits can generally be reasoned with. A poltergeist usually CANNOT be reasoned with.
Poltergeists are tricksters in energy form, and any response to their efforts just encourages them. Even faking no response might make them angry and increase their efforts to unsettle you. The only sure-fire way is to GET OUT of the building and not return. Also make sure to see a medium or spiritual practitioner or head of whatever faith/religion you practice to make sure the spirit didn't hook onto you and just tagged along with you. If that happened then just moving would not solve anything, it would carry on its mayhem around you and make your life a living hell (pardon the pun).
Last thoughts would be that in general spirits can be helpful or harmful or anywhere in between, that ghosts are a form of spirits that are more bound to earth plane as well as can have variations too, and that poltergeist are best avoided at all costs and are usually very harmful.
Hope this all helps!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Busy Life right now
I'm working on a novel that is the story of two different spirit beings I have gotten to know very well, their meeting and first 5 years together in Ahn Ne'A (a different world than Earth that is on the 5th Dimensional Plane and of a higher energy vibration than the denser and solid Earth 3th Dimensional Plane). My friend is channeling one of the spirits for their P.O.V. (or Point of View) and I the other, for their memories for the story to write it about it so that an Earthling can understand it better.
For more information regarding Ahn Ne'A I and my friend have a site online about that but haven't gotten around to putting up the rest of the information about that world.
We are writing the story with the spirits' permission and hope to one day be able to publish the novels or even book series since there is a lot that happened to write about.
So forgive me if I am not on here all that often though I do check the site every day to answer any comments that people may put up. :)
Thank you for checking my sites!
For more information regarding Ahn Ne'A I and my friend have a site online about that but haven't gotten around to putting up the rest of the information about that world.
We are writing the story with the spirits' permission and hope to one day be able to publish the novels or even book series since there is a lot that happened to write about.
So forgive me if I am not on here all that often though I do check the site every day to answer any comments that people may put up. :)
Thank you for checking my sites!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Coming Samhain~
Take care during the days of Halloween (or All Hallow's Eve as it was once called), Samhain, on October 31st and the Dias de los Muertos "Day of the Dead" that happens on November 1st and continues on a couple days after with different days to different kinds of people who died.
All that week basically is the Time of the Dead, or those who passed on and may either still be lingering or have moved on but came back to visit relatives.
It's also when the Veil that is said to separate the world of physical humans and physical Earth from the Realm of the Spirits is thinnest so some spirits can go through more easily as well as some humans may be able to perceive them more easily.
Take care with your rituals during this time! You might attract many non-corporeal uninvited guests! And just like any uninvited human guests, spirits can run the range from friendly and helpful to moody and silent to angry and vengeful. Protect yourself!
But most of all, have fun! Who knows, you might see something this year around that time that you may not be expecting, a ghostly figure or two...~
~Indigo Star
All that week basically is the Time of the Dead, or those who passed on and may either still be lingering or have moved on but came back to visit relatives.
It's also when the Veil that is said to separate the world of physical humans and physical Earth from the Realm of the Spirits is thinnest so some spirits can go through more easily as well as some humans may be able to perceive them more easily.
Take care with your rituals during this time! You might attract many non-corporeal uninvited guests! And just like any uninvited human guests, spirits can run the range from friendly and helpful to moody and silent to angry and vengeful. Protect yourself!
But most of all, have fun! Who knows, you might see something this year around that time that you may not be expecting, a ghostly figure or two...~
~Indigo Star
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Information for creating Ritual Circles
Some information if you want to create Rituals that involve the protective circle and call upon the gods/goddesses and the Elements too. I figure it would be helpful reference for people and you can use this information to create your own rituals if you wished to. :)
Elements, Directions, Symbols, Color, Associations:
Air - East - Wand, feather, incense stick - Yellow - Wind, enlightenment, breath, beginning, weather, sunlight, truth, communication and travel.
Fire - South - Athame (ritual and blessed knife), Candle/candlestick, flame - Red - Naked flame, manifestation of desires, power, want and desire, intention, creation.
Water - West - Bowl of water, raindrops, seashell - Blue - Water, wave, ocean, emotions, easing of pain and giving of fluid strength, flexibility, soothing with rain or pounding away of obstacles like waves upon stones on the beach.
Earth - North - Stone, grass, crystal, flower - Green - Strength, persistence, grounding, physical realm and manifestation, nature, connection to earth, physical bodies, solidity, willpower.
Spirit - Center - You, moon, star, spiral - White - Dreams, thought, wishes, spirit, who you are, what you want to do with this ritual, hopes, Gods and Goddesses, soul, the spiritual path.
COLOR - Element - Chakra - Associations (For Candles, Stones, Crystals, Fabrics, Aura, and the like):
Pink - Spiritual - Heart Chakra (center of chest on level with actual heart) and governs love and the giving and sharing of it, emotional connection, relationships - Affection, love, unconditional love, enjoyment, friendship, cordiality and hospitality, warmth, balance between spiritual and material needs, pity, guilt, shame, embarrassment, soothing, welcoming.
Red - Fire - Root Chakra (under pelvis) and governs survival, fear, safety - Dynamic, sexual energies, blood, war, passion, physical urges, activity, exercise, aggression, quick temper, vengeance, fear, hate, seen as Masculine energies.
Orange - Fire - Sacral Chakra (under the bellybutton) and governs personal emotions, creativity, artistic and emotional expression, and the sex organs - Creativity, emotions, needs and wants of the physical body, immune system, world of work, ambition, relationship with the external world.
Yellow - Air - Solar Plexus Chakra (right between the chest and the bellybutton) and governs pride, self-esteem, opinions of self and others, power in world - Intellect, creativity, happiness, joy, power of persuasion, success, selfishness, jealousy, self-esteem, pride, clarity of thought, intellectual development luck (in some cultures).
Green - Earth - Heart Chakra (second color for that) - Money, luck (in some cultures), prosperity, vitality, fertility, envy, greed, possession, healing (one of the primary healing colors), peace, healer, nature, plants.
Blue (light to medium blue) - Water - Throat Chakra (center of throat) and governs communication, speaking one’s truth, verbal or written expression - Spirituality, intuition, inspiration, inner peace, sadness, depression, cooling and calming, serenity, contentment, spiritual development.
Indigo (dark blue) - Water - Third Eye Chakra (right between the eyebrows on the forehead) and governs psychic powers, mental compacities, physical senses like seeing and hearing, and higher thinking - Psychic ability (such as clairvoyance or “clear sight”, clairaudience “clear hearing”, clairsentience “clear sensing/knowing”, and more) , relaxation, reassurance, seeker of truth (often spiritual), mind, mental thought, introspection, astral travelling, communication with spirits and meeting them, dreams.
Purple - Spiritual - Crown Chakra (right above the top of your head) and governs connection with soul and personal spirit as well as the universe – Divine life mission and path, enlightenment, psychic connection with universe and one-ness, soul connection, personal spiritual power, mental disorders, higher spiritual development, high ideals, personal self-esteem, sometimes spiritual teachers.
White - Spirit - Crown Chakra (secondary color for that) - Truth, purity, cleansing, universal healing, protection, removal of pain and suffering, sometimes positive, death (in some cultures), mourning (in some cultures), chastity (in some cultures), high spiritual truth, high level of attainment in spiritual path if in aura, re-energizes and recharges all Chakras, like actual white light it has within it all the other colors except for black.
Black - Spirit (other side of it) - Root Chakra (secondary color for that) - Absence of color, unconscious and mystery, deep meditation, hidden, blockage, sometimes negative, evil or dark magic, nighttime, grounding, death (in some cultures), mourning (in some cultures), depression, despair, negativity, miserly, hatred, dark times, unknown, nighttime.
Brown - Earth - Feet/Knees minor chakras (located in base of feet and in-between knees) and governs flexibility, support, and stability of one’s life and environment - Stone, earth, practicality, common sense, material success, concentration, study, grounded, “down-to-earth”, hospitality, humility, selfishness, deception, confusion, discouragement, solidity, stubbornness, persistence.
Gold - Spiritual - One of the 7 more chakras above your head and governs masculine go-getter and attainment energies - Wealth, power, understanding, luck (in some cultures), service to others, high spiritual attainment, abundance, powerful healing color that may be too strong for most people.
Silver - Spiritual - One of the 7 more chakras above your head and governs feminine reflective and receiving attainment energies - Wealth, protection (VERY protective color), purity, reflection, effacement, service, metal and machines, moon and stars, emotionless and cold, shielding, logic, and abundance.
Moon Phases and the power:
New Moon - Beginnings, best time to start a project. Not good time to finish one. Can have magical strength but more along Darkness side rather than Light side of things. Often a quiet time and rest time to recharge and regenerate.
Waxing Moon - Increasing magical energies. Good time to be productive and work on projects.
Full Moon - Fullest magical energies, very potent and best for Light side of things and not so good for Darkness side of things. Best time to complete projects and very active time to do things. Said to be best time for spiritual work and discovery as well as dreamtime work.
Waning Moon - Resolving projects and more quiet time to reflect and meditate. Not as much gathering energy, more introspective time. Not very good time to do rituals in for the lessening of the energies and magics.
Note: The Fullest Moon is on one calendar day but the Full Moon phase lasts for 3 calendar days before and 3 calendar days after the Fullest Moon day. Same with the New Moon or the Darkest moon phase.
Time of Days and their Powers if any:
Dawn - New beginnings and pure energies from strengthening sunlight from the night before. Calm and peaceful at times.
Morning - Good for the increasing sun energies.
Noon - More or less highest and most direct sun energies to get.
Afternoon - Usually the hottest and still strong sun energies.
Evening - When the sun energy wanes enough and the energies of the night come into play. Winding down time.
Dusk - Last of sun energy leaving, the night and moon and Darkness energies start to come into play. Can be mysterious and spooky and things cool down.
Early Night - Powers of Night, Moon, Stars, and Darkness come into play. Not as active and dynamic as the Sun before in the daytime and spiritual energies start to grow.
Midnight - Height of Night and Moon energies. "The Witching Hour" occurs in the time after midnight, usually to 3 am, and is said when the demons, ghosts, ghouls, spirits, and other things wander and have greatest strength to affect things.
Pre-Dawn - Night energies start to wind down in the time after 3 am to dawn and with more gentle lightning of the sky the Sun energies start to come back. Very quiet transition time of night. Spirits settle again and the world prepares to revert back to the daytime schedule and energies. The moon energies wane usually.
Purification of space NEEDED before you start the Ritual:
Sweet Grass and White Sage incense - Strong smell yes but are great for clearing out negative energies. Need to use in all corners of the room or of the circle or space to be cleansed.
Salt - Sprinkled in corners of the room or outlining the circle also help with protections.
Quartz Crystals - Can be charged and programmed to maintain an energy shield of your room or space (must be in a formation of star, circle, triangle or pentagram though). Need to be cleansed and recharged before they're used in sunlight all day or salt water for an hour or under running water for an hour. Also need cleansing and recharging regularly.
Holy Water - Sprinkled in the corners of the room and wet some fingers in it to draw crosses on the walls or pentagrams (five pointed star surrounded by a circle) on the center of each wall and on the floor and ceiling if you can manage it.
Direction of Circle:
Clockwise (to the right) - Opening - Inviting things in, opening the shields, increasing power, increase in general.
Counterclockwise (to the left) - Closing - Keeping things out, closing the shields, protection, decreasing power, decrease in general.
How to Open an Element Circle:
-Start with East (Air) and invite it into the circle.
-Face South (Fire) and invite it into the circle.
-Face West (Water) and invite it into the circle.
-Face North (Earth) and invite it into the circle.
-Finish with Center (Spirit) and invite it (as well as any Gods, Goddesses) into the circle.
= Do the Ritual after inviting them all in where you ask and meditate on what you desire.=
How to Close an Element Circle:
-Start with Center (Spirit) and release it from the circle (as well as releasing any Gods, Goddesses).
-Face North (Earth) and release it from the circle.
-Face West (Water) and release it from the circle.
-Face South (Fire) and release it from the circle.
-Finish with East (Air) and release it from the circle and thank all the Elements and Gods and Goddesses (if any) for coming.
How to End a Circle Ritual:
-After dismissing the Elements and Gods and Goddesses (if any), then give respects and step out (or break) the circle and clean up.
-If you did not do it in your room then be sure to purify your room before going to sleep because that protects you when you’re most vulnerable (right after doing a ritual as well as when you’re asleep, combining the two vulnerabilities after you caught the attention of spirits of all kinds is just asking for trouble).
I hope this all helps! :)
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Astral Travel meditation help
Difference in Astral Travel and Astral Projection.
Astral Projection: You meditate so your consciousness leaves the body and thus has limited to no awareness of the physical body sensations. Very difficult and the body fights against this because its too much like when you die.
Astral Travel: You meditate or drift in an almost day-dream state and your consciousness leaves your body but you keep a strong tether to the body and almost dual-awareness of your spirit outside the body AS WELL AS the physical body sensations. Great if you have parents that like to walk in on you and you have very little time to snap out of this and react to them. Also the body doesn't freak as much because this is more like actual dreamstate than the frightening possible death state that the Astral Projection mimics.
For beginning Astral Travelling this is what I did:
Basically you go into a meditation trance. Then imagine yourself floating up out of your body, and then look at yourself as you do so. (Note: You do not have to completely separate yourself from your physical body sensations. Just "See" it all in your mind's eye, the thing you use to visualize when you're reading or when prompted to do so by someone else. With time and practice you'll be able to register the faint spirit feelings as well as separate them from the physical feelings and know which sensation comes from which.)
You should look either transparent version of you or just a glowing white energy mass that is vaguely body shaped. Also note that there is an umbilical cord connecting you to the body and KNOW this will never break, it is not meant to break until you are ready to die and pass on from physical life. It is also how you can always find your way back to your body, just follow the cord back and you will get back. :)
But if you want to first get the hang of astral travelling then think your want to see the Earth from space and then you'll rise up and up and up and see the world get smaller and smaller like you are literally doing so, then you'll pause and be able to see all the earth from space like those old moon photographs as well. Then you are free to just call it a day for now and put hands on your cord and will yourself back to your body and watch yourself zip back into the body again.
Or if you want to go further you can keep zooming out and out and see the world get small and have its place in the solar system and then zoom out more and explore the galaxy and the fantastical colorful amazing star clusters and supernovas and gas giants that are there. Stay away from black holes for now because they can suck you in if you're not careful. You can if you want to and if it doesn't tire you, go beyond the galaxy and explore other ones, go to other star systems and explore the worlds there. Always ALWAYS remember to use your cord to zip you back home though when you're done and need to go back.
This is how you first learn how to astral travel lol or at least how I did. xP :) I hope it helps!
~Indigo Star
Astral Projection: You meditate so your consciousness leaves the body and thus has limited to no awareness of the physical body sensations. Very difficult and the body fights against this because its too much like when you die.
Astral Travel: You meditate or drift in an almost day-dream state and your consciousness leaves your body but you keep a strong tether to the body and almost dual-awareness of your spirit outside the body AS WELL AS the physical body sensations. Great if you have parents that like to walk in on you and you have very little time to snap out of this and react to them. Also the body doesn't freak as much because this is more like actual dreamstate than the frightening possible death state that the Astral Projection mimics.
For beginning Astral Travelling this is what I did:
Basically you go into a meditation trance. Then imagine yourself floating up out of your body, and then look at yourself as you do so. (Note: You do not have to completely separate yourself from your physical body sensations. Just "See" it all in your mind's eye, the thing you use to visualize when you're reading or when prompted to do so by someone else. With time and practice you'll be able to register the faint spirit feelings as well as separate them from the physical feelings and know which sensation comes from which.)
You should look either transparent version of you or just a glowing white energy mass that is vaguely body shaped. Also note that there is an umbilical cord connecting you to the body and KNOW this will never break, it is not meant to break until you are ready to die and pass on from physical life. It is also how you can always find your way back to your body, just follow the cord back and you will get back. :)
But if you want to first get the hang of astral travelling then think your want to see the Earth from space and then you'll rise up and up and up and see the world get smaller and smaller like you are literally doing so, then you'll pause and be able to see all the earth from space like those old moon photographs as well. Then you are free to just call it a day for now and put hands on your cord and will yourself back to your body and watch yourself zip back into the body again.
Or if you want to go further you can keep zooming out and out and see the world get small and have its place in the solar system and then zoom out more and explore the galaxy and the fantastical colorful amazing star clusters and supernovas and gas giants that are there. Stay away from black holes for now because they can suck you in if you're not careful. You can if you want to and if it doesn't tire you, go beyond the galaxy and explore other ones, go to other star systems and explore the worlds there. Always ALWAYS remember to use your cord to zip you back home though when you're done and need to go back.
This is how you first learn how to astral travel lol or at least how I did. xP :) I hope it helps!
~Indigo Star
New Blog!
Hey this is my first personal blog so if there's anything you wish to learn about in the realms of the following, please let me know: my personal experiences with spirits, angels, spirit guides and spirit animals, how to contact your spirit guides and spirit animals and guardian angels, basics of aura seeing and reading, stuff about Reiki and how it works, astral travelling and projection, ritual making, energy/spirit bodies and forms and how to contact your spirit/soul, the different kinds of psychic powers and mental abilities, new(ish) insights on some mental disorders and how they’re perceived by people who have them verses the doctors/psychologists verses the commonfolk, reincarnation and past lives and how to see them, working with spirits, and much more from all the different things I’ve been learning in my life until now.
I might even talk about how my life goes, with the spiritual component well and truly part of my reality and how it functions.
~Indigo Star
I might even talk about how my life goes, with the spiritual component well and truly part of my reality and how it functions.
~Indigo Star
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