Mystic Mountain

Mystic Mountain
Mystic Mountain: The name of the nebulae formation in space that inspired the blog title~

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Alternate Worlds and Universes?

This might be a bit hard for some people to comprehend. That is okay. Read what you can and take what you will and discard the rest. :)

While I could not quote mathematical data to support this (as the String Theory does support some thought of multiple universes or realities all existing) nor quote scientific hard proof (since our instruments are not sensitive enough to detect this just yet), I can say that in some spiritual/metaphysical circles it is widely accepted the alternate realities/earths/universes/worlds that co-exist with our own.

Certainly there are beliefs that there are higher and lower vibrational (like energy vibration) realities that overlap each other and may not be able to be seen by the others as easily. Such realities may be difficult to detect unless one has the right tools for the job.

There is even thought of multiple universes all clustered together, and multiple alternate universes as well.

For the sake of clarity with these terms, I will put down how I define each. You may have different definitions but for sake of your understanding what I mean, my definitions would be needed to know. :)

Universe: What our universe is considered to be, containing all of the galaxies and stars and the like, but the dimensions of it can be both finite, and seeming infinite at the same time. Think of a sphere, on its surface area there can be a seeming infinite number of points on and within it. But a sphere has a border and edge and can end, so its finite. An "Alternate Universe" would be one like an "Alternate Reality", only its our Universe that followed a different sequence of events than the current one we all live in.

Reality: This version of events and timeline. This current world as we understand it. When things go one way and not the other, it sets it on a certain path. If Hitler had won say, that would create a far different timeline than the one we are on (where Hitler had lost). The timeline where Hitler had won would be an "Alternate Reality" as I define it.

World: Either a physical world like Earth, or even a place where beings live that may not look like a planet at all, but is still a world. It still is floating in space and has clear borders for the end of the world. An "Alternate Earth" would be like the "Alternate Reality" of above. In some ways it could be synonymous, and in other ways different.

The difference being is that the Alternate Earth itself could be so different that there could not even BE a chance for humans to form, as Alternate Realities would most likely have that chance. Alternate Universe may not even HAVE an Earth OR Humans at all.

Dimension: This is like a 2 dimensional plane that the world of earth along with what we can readily see in the night sky (physical worlds and such) all lie upon. There are similar planes all overlapping the same space as our physical plane but we may not be able to see or experience them. "Alternate Dimensions" would be in the same sense as before, except there may be no Earth and yet the same Universe with this one.

You can have alternate versions of the Earth, Reality, Universe, and Dimensions. There is also what is called the:

Multi-verse: Or the collective Universe that all exist together, ours and alternate ones, and completely different ones entirely. Just like there are far more worlds than just Alternate Earths, there can be far more Universes than Alternate Universes.

Multiple Dimensions have been ranked by some people in order from least complex to most.

1st Dimension: Thought to be simple energy, no real moving around here, and not really needed. Not talked about much because it can be difficult to imagine a place where you can only go forward and back, but not side to side or up and down, to give an example.

2nd Dimension: Flatland basically. Shapes exist here but not the 3-D (or 3-Dimensional) world of Earth that we know and love. Can only go forward and back, or side to side.

3rd Dimension: Our beloved place. We can go forward and back, side to side, and up and down. Earth's 3rd Dimension is very dense compared to the dimensions to follow, but comparatively lighter and easier (for us) to move around than the previous dimensions.

4th Dimension: Time now becomes a manipulated factor. The forward/back, right/left, and up/down are thought to be of space, so add in Time (in ahead in time and behind in time, those dimensions) and you get the Space/Time continuum.

=Spirits often live here and in higher dimensions, and can not be seen by us like ultraviolet can be seen by birds but not by us. We simply do not have the tools or the natural senses [most of the time] to see or sense them. Some who are very well tuned in can see them though or sense/feel them. It is like how some animal species (like cats and some species of apes) are "colorblind" compared to us and cannot see the difference between red and green. Some humans are colorblind in this way as well. Birds can generally see ultraviolet though, so WE'D be colorblind by their standards. Mystics and Psychics of humans can by that analogy, "see/sense" something most people cannot easily. Just because a group cannot see them or sense/hear them does not mean they inherently don't exist. Ultraviolet still exists whether or not we see it.

=Another reason that they have a hard time being perceived by us, is because they can operate on more levels and go through things easily. Its because our walls are their hallways, our floors are their empty space, their floors are our empty space, and their walls are our hallways. Basically different design of their buildings and ours means they can seem to go through OUR walls where it doesn't exist for them, and we go through THEIR walls because it doesn't exist, or isn't perceived, by us. They also can go through time more easily than we can. We cannot really manipulate time, they can though.

5th Dimension: Here you add another factor of time/space, and it may not be accepted/known by us though. Like Flatland cannot conceive of a dimension of "up and down" because it doesn't exist in the 2nd Dimension, so we also can have difficulty conceiving of the added dimensions of those Dimensions more complicated than ours.

=The best I can explain this added dimension of travel in English wording and such, is by saying that the personalization of time becomes paramount here. Like we can personalize our direction of travel (if one person moves up and forward in a jump or in a plane, the rest of people are not affected and can go their own directions independently) so can they of this dimension personalize their own timeline. A thousand years can be to one person, what 10 minutes is to another person's time. Person A can meet Person B in B's past but A's future. It is like everyone has their own time traveling machines but its part of how they move about.

=They can hold the same time as the rest through common acceptance/agreement (like we can agree to mostly walk around on the ground and rarely jump, really only engage forward/back and side-to-side unless we're engaging up/down thanks to the stairs or hills) but still operate on their own timespan. There can be the commonly understood "common time" but also understood that one can be MUCH older than that common time, or much younger. It can be confusing to a 3rd-Dimensional brain to try to conceive of how that works.

=Worlds here may not be the "accepted" physical planets that we have like Earth, they can be odd contortions of time/space matter that bends in and on itself readily with time going differently in different parts of it. Teleportation can also be very easy here since mastery of time/space can allow for the inhabitants to use it with ease.  Some training is advised but is usually mastered at a very young age.

6th Dimension to 12th Dimension?: It can be difficult to understand these further along dimensions. It can not be clear sometimes even about how many more dimensions exist past 6 of them. Some say 12, some 13, some say only 7, or only 10. It depends on who you ask. Also how exactly these higher up dimensions work can boggle one's mind. If you don't have a frame of reference or prior foundation to understand it, it would only hurt the mind in your struggle to comprehend.

=From what I have gathered however... is that there is a Dimension where the mind/consciousness has a direct impact on the environment. It produces effects like; freely changing one's relative size in comparison to the surroundings, freely traveling through a world with very little resistance, being perceived (visible) or not perceived (invisible) upon will, and if you have a tiniest bit of fear of being attacked there, it WILL manifest something to attack you JUST because you had that fear. Simply releasing the fear and being full certainty that you are SAFE and will not be bothered in any way, can dispel the manifestation and leave you safe and whole. Pretty trippy eh?

=It's said that no matter the number, the last Dimension is said to be somewhat like the 1st Dimension I mentioned in the listing except: its very high vibration and freeing and you can move in incredibly varied dimensions of travel, of time and space and more; and it is perceived as only energy masses within more energy masses; and all sorts of colors and no-colors involved with every bit; as well as communication being more of concepts and feelings and ideas that are shared on a more extreme version of telepathy (mental communication between minds without using the mouth to talk) because this is from spirit to spirit, or soul to soul. It requires an extremely candid and honest awareness of one's self and in communication. Something that most people may not be prepared to do THAT kind of in-depth baring of one's essence every time they want to have a conversation with someone else lol.

=Some even say that the last level is just "Oneness with Tao (All There Is)", and what they mean by that is essentially, just bonding and melding with every other soul and energy of the universe, melding into Love, and still somehow aware that you are an entity with your own identity and consciousness amidst the whole.

There's the run down of the different Dimensional levels. From now on in the blog I'll be referring to things like 3-D Earth (3-D meaning 3rd Dimension or 3-Dimensional) as well as 4-D Spirit plane, and 5-D Ahn Ne'A (where my spirit home is). This is a nice run down of the basics of each dimension as well as some added clarifications of the higher dimensions that may be difficult to wrap one's mind around.

I hope you didn't break your mind reading this far LOL! I apologize if I did accidentally break them. xD :)



  1. Almost all of that actually made sense to me :0 can you make the next one about finding past lives? Ive been itching to do that :D

    1. Certainly! :) I'm glad you were able to understand most of it. :) What parts were you not sure about? I can do my best to explain it better for you if you tell me which parts. :)

    2. I wrote up how to do that now in my most recent post. I hope it helps you! :)
