Mystic Mountain

Mystic Mountain
Mystic Mountain: The name of the nebulae formation in space that inspired the blog title~

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Want to Find Out Your Aura Personality?

There's some good sites for that and lately I've been getting into them quite a bit.

But first, what do I mean by "Aura Personality"?

This is a grouping/categorizing thing that has popped up in the spiritual community a while back (like years back), that is fun to try out and see if it resonates with you or fits you in any way. It does not take any reading of your aura, but rather you fill out a questionaire that groups you by your responses and the level of them into groups of "aura colors" that would most fit with your responses.

It is supposed to be a grouping done on the traits of the "core aura color" rather than the often-changeable surface aura color that an aura scanner can pick up. The core aura color is said to never change and be with you from birth to death (if it does change, then its gradual and often goes along with clear and drastic/total changes in one's personality and how they appear to others).

That being said, the best tests/questionaires tell you what percentages you fit into all the different possible aura colors, and you get to see how most or least like you are with each color.

The aura colors tend to go like this:
Red: Active, body-minded, go-getting, practical individual.
Magenta: Creative, whacky, zany, spacially-minded, obviously different and proud of it individual.
Orange: Dare-devil, active, independent, risk-taker, thrill-seeker individual.
Yellow: Happy, optimistic, child-like, playful, humorous, friendly individual.
Mental Tan: (Basic Tan color, no color overlay) slow but steady thinker, lives in mind, somewhat pendantic, logical and orderly, distant, organized individual.
Nurturing Tan: (Tan color with blue overlay) caring, loving, motherly, and yet distant, logical-thinker, organized, lives in mind individual.
Abstract Tan: (Tan with red overlay) Scattered but random thinker, makes connections between everything, open-minded yet logical, lives in mind, distant individual.
Physical Tan: (Tan with green overlay) Logical but uses body and senses to make sense of the world too, concerned with only practical reality, organized yet active and accomplishes a lot individual.
Green: Logical but open-minded, fast thinker, makes connections, ambitious and a planner, wants to translate ideas into plans and then into action, determined individual.
Blue: Loving, nurturing, wants to help others and love everyone and to BE loved, take care of others and be taken cared of, mother-like individual.
Indigo: Spiritual, dynamic, very unique and independent, aware of other alternatives and spirit realms, very aware and "awakened" and grasps higher level concepts with ease, tolerant individual.
Lavender: Daydreamer, distant, lives in mind or in imagination, removed from reality, wants to escape, very creative and imaginative individual.
Violet: Visionary, driven to take soul urge/dream and make it into reality, wants to help make the world a better place, heal the world, change the world, inspirational individual.
Crystal: Fragile, healers, spiritual, chameleons (can blend in and pretend to be other people/aura colors VERY well), delicate, needs lots of rest and recharging time alone, tolerant individual.

Quick Aura-color test you can take (does not tell percentages, only what one is strongest in):

Longer but wonderfully comprehensive one that tells you all the percentages of all the aura colors you get:

This describes the aura colors you get:

This goes into WAY more detail and is amazing in explaining some of the "combination" colors, like say you have major in Indigo and Lavender in that order (like me!) then you can find that in this listing and read it (it gets me perfectly o.o):

And these two links go for the Indigo aura colors but you can easily search around on the sidebars to find the ones for YOUR aura. :)

As for whether this all is real and works, or is just a fun thing to do and learn a bit more about yourself, that is up to you to decide.

Have fun!

=Any topics that you want to see covered or discuss please ask me in a comment and I will do it!=


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