Mystic Mountain

Mystic Mountain
Mystic Mountain: The name of the nebulae formation in space that inspired the blog title~

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Place of Origin: Another arm of the Galaxy, away from the one that Earth inhabits. It’s a multi-plane world with the planes intersecting each other within the world, and has two moons and a yellowish-white-blueish star. Star system may not be visible from Earth. The world is called Ahn Ne'A.

Dimensional Perspectives:  Exist from 5D up to 10D. (For reference, this planet Earth is only in 3D or 4D at most for the humans incarnated here.)
Appearance: Appear like beautiful humans with more symmetrical faces and appearances, and usually like the 20’s to 30’s, and rarely 40-year-old humans. Since they’re of a high vibration, may not be seen at all by people, and walk here in their so-called “spirit forms” without having to change anything simply because most people here on Earth cannot see, hear, touch or otherwise interact with them.
To them, their forms are as physical as anything you’d touch here on Earth in your body, but because of the vibration level differences, we cannot even touch them. They can touch us however, thanks to us having a spirit in our physical bodies with whom they can interact. They do not have a physical body like the 3D inhabitants however, so there is barely anything for us to interact with.
Evolution:  All the humanoid races can have a human, bipedal form, in addition to their “main” animal-like forms. Elves are the only ones that do not have an additional “animal” form, which is why the “humanoid” forms as we would call it (here on Earth) are understood there as to be “elven” (or “neuval” as they call it, meaning “normal or acceptable”) forms instead. All the other Races evolved from their original animal forms to be able to have a neuval form. As Civilization came on, the neuval forms became more standard so some in towns and cities may live all their lives without using their base animal forms for more than just now and then and only briefly. However, there are those in certain lands (more in the wilderness) where the base animal forms are the primary used form, and the neuval form may be rarely used, or not at all (but the basic ability to use it still remains).
There are many different variations on the species as a whole (each are called “Races” for the fact that each can interbreed now regardless of their animal lines’ sometimes very different origins and starts in evolution). Since civilization has existed in some form for a couple billion years at the least, and the animal evolution for billions more before that, Ahn Ne’A is a very old place indeed. It seems that either the world migrated from other galaxies into the current Milky Way some time in the past, or the world has existed near after the beginning of the Universe and the rest of the galaxy just gradually built itself up around the world. Such a thing has to be asked of the Universals since no written records exist of that time.
The angels and archangels of history have all come from here (with the exception of some that may have been misinterpreted travelers from other worlds), along with the guardian angels and angel guides. If those angels didn’t come from here, they certainly relate with the ones that came from here, and deal with them as well in very similar ways.
Qualities: Great at energy work, strong belief in magic (as well as possible ability to use some and get the elements to respond as well), imaginative, dreamers, active, adventure-oriented, nature-loving, aware of reincarnation and how it works, creative, and knowing deep inside them of the great power they rightfully wield in their true forms, longing for home, but determined to make it work here in this strange new world.
Abilities: Exceedingly powerful in their own worlds, they may be hampered by human bodies here and find it strange to deal with. The ones that I’ve interacted with so far here on Earth, tend to have a deep emptiness and longing inside them for a home they’ve never seen or have trouble remembering. Once they remember and are able to reconnect with those they've left behind at home, they usually become bright, confident, and able to handle this reality.
Many things of this reality are strange to them, since usually they can use telepathy, teleportation, thought-manifestation, shape-changing, flying even, and magic as well as elements usage without any difficulty. Since their home world is so advanced, they may have easier times seeing where the current mistakes or “wrong” thinking in the sciences and math today, and see how much more there is to go. Fascination with magic and element usage is very common since their home world is based on empathetic magical technology rather than the very impersonal machine-based one we have here on Earth. Because much can be done at home, the ones that incarnate here have great difficulty with feelings of “powerlessness” and “strange weakness” that come with the 3D human bodies.
Specialties: Change the world by being themselves, as well as bringing in their more advanced knowledge and understanding (of sciences, history, social consciousness, magic, manifestation, social change, energy work, and other ways a world can be built and maintained with different government and supply systems) to this young and still growing planet of humans. Also, by being here, they can function as a bridge or gate-keeper for the energies and vibrations of their home worlds. Usually have incredibly many lifetimes in other places, as well as their home world, that gives them unconscious assurance, confidence, independence, and knowledge that they can use in their Earth lives.
Basic Needs: Magic and abundance of energy in the environment. Chances for creative expression. Love of music. Access to places in nature (since their home world has many natural places of nature still left despite all the advancements and progress of their civilization), as well as respect for who they are. They are very old beings in a human form, which they may not have been in for some time, and even when growing up still know and are very much aware of their birthright and the power inherent in their true selves. Often seem more mature than even their parents many times, yet they still crave that respect, acknowledgement and recognition growing up, of the selves they know themselves to be within.
Much of this society is built to tear down each other’s self-esteem, especially that of children, and inhabitants of their home world know very keenly that their observations and information to share does indeed have merit and value. Since many live for hundreds of thousands of years in their over-all lifetimes, and yet keep the look of being around the age which a human would call the 20’s to early 40’s in the human aging process, they know that age doesn’t always beget wisdom, and age is not a very good visual measure of experience and maturity in someone. They will give respect only if the person has done something to deserve it, and tend to be system-busters since they’ve already had many experiences of other ways things can be done.
Focus: Bringing information, experience, maturity, and wisdom in from the higher dimensions (as well as a deep, long history of working out many of the issues that we still struggle with here on Earth) into Earth and other worlds to benefit them. Insistence on the necessity of magic and the Elements and to incorporate those within the ways of relating with the rest of the Universe.
Involvement with Earth: The angels and archangels were often guides or informants, gently steering humanity to paths that would be more beneficial for them as a whole. Angelic guides and guardians still continue to help by dispensing wisdom and advice, but have generally a “hands off” approach since the biblical times, out of respect of humankind’s free will and right to choose their own path. They have incredible patience born of their long history, and know that you cannot rush progress, nor force someone to listen to you.
Incarnated members seem to focus more on changing society in the best way they can, by simply being who they are and choosing their own paths (even if it may run counter to what a lot of well-meaning humans tell them). The ripples from their actions as well as the energies of their presence both combine to help uplift those around them. One and all, they’re focused on “opening the eyes” of those around them, to different paths and ways of being and living one’s lives even here on Earth.
Guide for Humanity: Unknown at this time.
Leaders of Ahn Ne'A: The Queens of the Thirteen Elements (one Queen for each Element), and each Queen rules over a respective Realm that is built upon that Element. Each Queen is born with a Prince of their Element, though if the Queen dies then the Prince does not “become a King” but rather is no longer a Prince of the Element, since the next pair of Queen and Prince is only born when the previous Queen dies. The Prince's power is turned over to the newest Prince born. However, a Queen can rule for a very long time without their Prince and rely upon the help of their Ark-Being instead.
The reason there is only one Queen and Prince of an Element at a time, is due to how the Element is split at the first division (along masculine or feminine expressions). At the beginning of this Universe, the feminine expression was stronger than the masculine, so therefore there are Queens but no Kings, and Princes but no Princesses. In other Universes, they have it set up differently with Kings and Princesses (stronger masculine than feminine), or Queens and Kings (equally strong feminine and masculine), and very rarely Princes and Princesses (equally weak masculine and feminine). Each side of the Element, the masculine and feminine, have positives, negatives, and neutral expressions (so no one side is “all bad” or “all good.”)
Each Realm has an Ark-Being (for example, Light Realm has the Ark-Angel, Death Realm has the Ark-Reaper, and Darkness Realm has the Ark-Demon). Each Ark-Being works with the others in the Ark-Being Council to make sure all the Realms and their Elements and systems of governments work well together.
Above even the Queens are the Elementals themselves, or the personifications of the Elements in the Universe. There is only one set of Thirteen Elementals. In this Universe there are two sets of Thirteen Queens, one for each half of the Universe. Since the Universe is SO BIG, the set of Queens and Princes for this half of the Universe has many galaxies, galactic clusters, and the like under their stewardship. Their home base happens to be in Ahn Ne'A in one of the oldest sections of this galaxy that Earthlings like to call "the Milky Way."
For future reference, the Thirteen Elements talked about here are as follows: Fire and Water, Earth and Air, Light and Darkness, Life and Death, Time and Space, Lightning and Dream, and Spirit to balance out all the others.
Star seeds: There are not that many incarnated here (or if there are, they haven’t woken up yet that I can see), and must work to re-member their lives, their home, and their families with such a lack of things that can jog their memories for them. Being so rare, they don’t really have access to many other role models and must try on the identities of being inhabitants of other places and keep searching until they find the truth for themselves. Having been incarnated in many other worlds (such as the Pleiades) may make the search for self-knowledge difficult for them, and have them be mistaken and mis-labeled by others and themselves.
This information is done with knowledge of the three currently incarnated here (me, and two friends) that I know of, along with the traits of the diverse group of friends and family that come to us as spirits even if they must work at lowering their vibration enough to even be perceived as such. Existence on the lower levels of dimensional vibration tends to be painful in several ways, so perhaps the herculean task of being incarnated here as a human, and not simply remaining in one’s more comfortable “spirit” form, may discourage many inhabitants from making that jump. Many seem to prefer a hands-off approach, and be fine with guiding rather than directly acting. The ones more comfortable with direct action may be more likely the ones incarnated here, but even then would seem to have an odd distance compared to other humans. The Ne’Anites know this is not their real home, for all they may have taken past lives here and in other places and what-not. As such, they may have difficulty connecting with Gaia, the consciousness of Earth, and rooting themselves to this ground to be able to do the things they must here on this world. As such, with their long lives, preferred soul group being off-world, and perceived isolation of not being well known or understood, may cause them to be distant, aloof, loners, and self-isolate to protect themselves from further pain.
However, they must learn how to relate with this Earth and its strange human population, and dive head-first into the human affairs, to bring their knowledge and wisdom and produce tangible results from it. A fully actualized Ne’Anite in human form would be an intimidating one indeed, with the confidence, powerful charisma and presence, and the self-assuredness of someone far beyond their years and “limited experience” in their Earthly lives. Highly creative and systems-busters, they never say die, and know the other ways that things can be, instead of how it tends to be done here on Earth. They bring that into their lives and live creative, unconventional, off-beat, and slightly reckless lives with that knowledge and past experiences, as well as the hunger to live life while they have it, and their being used to having many “temporary” deaths between short (hundred year to thousands of years) lifetimes, that make up the over-all hundreds-of-thousands of years lifetimes. A “permanent’ death is the one that ends that overall lifetime, so being more bold in life tends to happen as a result of being more familiarized with death (and the process of death) than most beings in the Universe.
This was done in the style and format of the Alien species discussion found here:
I hope you found this a good read! Let me know what you think? :)

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