Mystic Mountain

Mystic Mountain
Mystic Mountain: The name of the nebulae formation in space that inspired the blog title~

Monday, April 18, 2016

Spirits in General, How to Protect Yourself, part 2

Hey! It's been a while again. :) Sorry about that. I promised ages ago to continue the post about Spirits and talk about the general spirits. I had gotten sidetracked on that post with needed discussion and warning about ghosts. Now it's time for the general spirits!

Note: Please visit back to the first spirits post to brush up on the basic concepts around spirits and what they can or cannot do, before you continue on here. That's just to keep you from possibly getting confused at some of the things I'm going to be talking about.

Important disclaimer time!

Now you may not agree with those beliefs and it is alright, but I do believe in that myself with proof from my own communication and channelings with the spirits as well as memories from the time between physical lifetimes that I have gathered together over years of soul searching.

Therefore I will put the warning that this post is purely from my own perspective, experiences, and beliefs so if you feel you do not agree then take what you will from this and move on. :)

Everybody good with that? Let's move on!

What are spirits like generally?

Well they're not too different from you and me. What I mean by that is that they are people too, with hopes, dreams, wishes for the future, experiences both good and bad, prejudices, biases, personality limitations, flaws, weaknesses, strengths, and more. They may not have the same limitations that we do - no physical body for one thing! - but they aren't omniscient or omnipotent. They're not gods or goddesses [unless you're talking about those specifically]. General spirits are like general humans, just every personality type you can think of and all coexisting with each other.

Now you may be a bit weirded out about this. Some may be asking "What about angels? Nobody says that about angels!" However, what I'm talking about are spirits, not angels, here. Spirits that all fit under the general definition of:
They do not have a physical body that can interact with the 3-D plane that we humans live on. Therefore, they cannot be seen, touched, heard, smelled, tasted, or perceived by most of humanity.

The psychics and mystics who can perceive spirits usually do so thanks to being able to connect to their own inner spirit, which can operate on the same vibrational plane as the other external spirits, and thus can use their spirit senses to perceive what their physical senses cannot. It is also why a lot of people who work to connect more with their inner self, "Higher Self," spirituality, or just become more aware of their state of being a spirit that's working a physical 3-D body (not unlike how a human might use the Wii console and their body movements to move the avatar in the Wii sports games) can therefore get increases in their psychic senses and become more and more aware of the spirits as a whole. They're simply connecting deeper and more firmly with their spirit in a way that most of humanity seems to be uncertain and disconnected with on a mass level.

Take another look at the definition I gave above about spirits. Notice that I did not say they "lacked a physical body," I simply said they do not HAVE a "physical body that can interact with the 3-D plane."

Trust me, to the spirits their bodies are every bit as physical, tangible, and "real" to them as your physical body is to you. They can feel pain, hunger, thirst, and the like. (Note: We're not talking about souls here which is a WHOLE different ballgame. People who talk about being in a formless state that feels no hunger, pain, or thirst are talking about what it's like being in the main soul, not as an offshoot that's a spirit. Confusing? I'll get into that more later on.)

So yes spirits can feel hunger, thirst, pain, and even sexual desire. They may not perceive it quite the way that we do, however, and may (for things like sexual desire) be able to bond or feel new dimensions to the sensations that we cannot comprehend here on Earth with our limited human minds and processing. Not to say that their sex is "better," it's just to say that it's different that's all.

**So be careful if you're approached by a spirit you don't know. Always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS verify that the spirit is truly what they claim they are. Angels will always have a light, warm, happy and peaceful feeling surrounding them that fills you up and makes you calm and safe. If there is any unease, especially if it does NOT go away and niggles at the back of your mind, it's not an Angel. Be careful! **

This goes doubly if they try to do something that looks like they're wanting to meld their bodies with you. That's a form of rape and can be extremely dangerous for you since they can latch onto your energy and slowly drain you dry over time.

***If this happens to you or is happening to you, contact a medium, spiritual practitioner, or the head of whatever faith/religion you practice to please give you a good cleaning to make sure there aren't any hooks latching onto you. Get their advice, and if you believe in crosses, Jesus, and holy water, then use that to purify your house and especially bedroom. If you do not, then light some sweet grass and white sage incense and make sure to get every corner of your house and bedroom. Also, if you're using incense, open up the windows after to air out the smell because it's a STRONG, pungent odor. Call upon the Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel to protect your house and home, all your loved ones, and especially yourself at all times and especially when you're trying to go to sleep at night or are sleeping. Call upon your spirit guides and guardian angels to do the same thing. ***

It may sound a bit extreme but I've heard horror stories of this happening to other people, and none of the little small things worked or helped them to stop it. The big, large things like I outlined above are what worked or came the closest to working.

Basically use common sense if you encounter spirits, the same as how you would with any random person who is vaguely threatening on the street. Slow down, shield yourself, be cautious, never say "yes" to anything you're not sure about, and always put your health and safety on the HIGHEST priority. The ones who are good will understand and be willing to do what they must to pass your tests of judgement. The ones who complain or balk at it are the ones to be extremely wary and watchful of. If they keep doing it and don't seem to understand, back away cautiously and leave as soon as you're able. Maybe even redouble the shielding around your house and bedroom tonight. The ones who try to sweet-talk you out of it or just steamroll over any objections are akin to the violent rapists, psychopaths, and serial killers in our human population. GET AWAY IMMEDIATELY. Get help, get protection, get cleaning from a spiritual and energy professional that you trust.

Once you're down and clear about how to protect yourself, then you can go onto how to strike up friendships with them and maybe even familial or romantic relationships. That'll also be upcoming in another part in the future!

Feel free to leave feedback and let me know what you think! Do you have any stories of your own to share that you're not sure if its a spirit or not? Especially if it was an angel or a spirit that may just be trying to fool you to get close to you?

I'm here to help and have had PLENTY of experience over the past 6 years in my life, as well as have helped dozens of people with their own mysterious spirit experiences to understand what happened, why, and what they can do about it.

Thanks for reading!

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